AI is making everyone above average

You may have seen reporting this week of the Harvard Business School research paper that found that consultants using generative AI in ChatGPT finished more tasks, more quickly, and at a higher quality. And it was also clear that below-average performers improved the most, with the gap between lower and higher performers narrowing dramatically. Ray Fleming digs deeper into the reasons that work models will be fundamentally disrupted by generative AI

What this means for the future of work

As one of the authors, Ethan Mollick, puts it "You're now above average". No, this isn't a statistical joke; it's the reality of how AI is transforming the workforce. Recent studies show that AI is elevating the skills of average and below-average workers across a wide range of professions. Let's delve into what this means for the future of work.

The Skill Gap Dilemma

In various fields, the skill gap between top and bottom performers is significant. Whether it's programming, management, or medical diagnosis, the difference in output quality can be staggering. Traditionally, the focus has been on training and retaining top talent, but what if we could elevate everyone to that level?

AI as a Leveler

AI is proving to be a game-changer in leveling skills. The paper involving Boston Consulting Group showed that consultants who previously tested in the lower half of the group increased the quality of their outputs by 43% with AI assistance. In contrast, the top half gained only 17%. The gap between average performances shrank from 22% to a mere 4%.

Beyond Writing Skills

It's not just about writing or analytical tasks. Studies have shown that AI can help lower-performing specialists in law and customer service catch up with their higher-performing peers. For instance, law students at the bottom of their class were able to equalize their performance with top students when they had access to AI tools.

The Future Roles of AI

While current data suggests that AI primarily benefits lower-performing individuals, this might not be the end of the story. As AI systems improve, Ethan argues that they could act as an "escalator," enhancing skills for everyone. Alternatively, some individuals might excel at integrating AI into their workflow, becoming the new stars of the AI age.

Implications for the Workforce

The leveling effect of AI has far-reaching implications. Will companies start hiring less-skilled workers and boost their performance with AI? Or will they expect more from all employees, given the new productivity levels? These are questions that businesses, governments, and stakeholders will need to address sooner or later.

Your Turn

As we navigate this new landscape, it's crucial to consider how we want the future of work to look. What are your thoughts on AI's role in leveling the playing field? Share your insights in the comments below.


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